Окультурной определенности науки: наука как science и-или wissenschaft

Контекст функционирования национального Т-континуума, который открывается из социогенетической перспективы анализа Н. Элиаса. Связь успехов "онаучивания" не с продвижением science, но с существованием плюриверсума национальных научных Т-континуумов.

Подобные документы

  • Основні властивості поняття Open science ("Відкрита наука") - набору принципів і практик, які спрямовані на те, щоб зробити наукові дослідження з усіх галузей доступними для кожного на благо вчених і суспільства в цілому. Головна місія відкритої науки.

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  • The image of science as a project focused on substantiating the support of fundamental science. Changes in natural sciences in the process of creating "reliable knowledge" at the request of the funder. Forgetting the original epistemic goals of science.

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  • A study of the prospects of teaching science to maintain social justice. The key works of Bukharin and Hessen at the Second International Congress on the History and Philosophy of Science in 1931 . Zilzel "On the social origin of modern science".

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  • Return to the integration of sociological, normative approaches to science. Rejection of the political component of Marxism. Scrupulous discussions between Lakatos and Feyerabend. A model of combining the history of science and its normative evaluation.

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  • Advances in empirical research on consciousness and in the field of artificial intelligence technologies. An analysis of the internal dynamics of theories and ontologies, which makes it possible to clarify the relationship between philosophy and science.

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  • Williamson defends armchair philosophy by likening it to armchair science - they have the same of results and use such a priori methods as model building and analyses. If a priori methods are accepted within science, then they acceptable in philosophy.

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  • The value of imagination in science, the role that imagination plays in interdisciplinary scientific communication. A specific type of communication in which science is the subject of research. Inharmonious interaction between different disciplines.

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  • Analysis of the Hungarian dissertation of I. Lakatos on the historical sociology of science, his ideas on the philosophy of science. Development of a general sociology of scientific knowledge with Marxist foundations and idea of an "inexhaustible atom".

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  • Modal power and the art of realizing the possible. Complementarity of political philosophy and philosophy of science. the Politics and science of the facts-fiction distinguishing. The quantum nature of modal power, the prolegomena of its historiography.

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  • The article highlights the philosophical problems of legal regulation of relations in the field of scientific activity in connection with the growth of their precariousness in Russian society. Analysis of the specifics of science as a social institution.

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  • The role of science in the development of society and man. Development of information and digital reality, the emergence of new approaches in management theory. Formation of integrated thinking, introduction of scientific knowledge into the culture.

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  • Related to the cardinal changes taking place in modern science and social practice and their significant effects on research issues in the field of theoretical and social philosophy. Analysis of the development of production, culture, education.

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  • The trends that are monitored as a priority direction of research,and features of the development of science from the point of view of the formation of the view of scientific personnel. Problems that are relevant for scientists outside of Ukraine.

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  • Conception of science according to Thomas Kuhn. This paper has been entirely with refuting those arguments by which Kuhn purports to show that scientific method is not a means by which men can approach nearer to knowledge of the truth about the world.

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  • Consideration of the problem of methodology of ancient natural science based on the analysis of fragment 29cd of Plato's Timaeus. Understanding of science in Plato's philosophy as a "plausible myth". The main elements of Galen's scientific method.

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  • Scientific representations and elaboration of the terms "internalism-externalism". Possible consequences of referring to the Marxist roots of modern research in science to which V. Lynch puts attention. Marxist legitimization of scientific theory.

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  • The definition of science as a public good is a factor that exacerbates the dangers associated with the increasing democratization of the knowledge system. The main features of Raphael Sassover's transcendent approach to knowledge as a public good.

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  • Постпозитивистские программы исследования науки и технологии (science and technology studies - STS). Изучение новейших тенденций развития философии и социологии, науки и технологии в связи с развитием естествознания и гуманитарной культуры в целом.

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  • На что похожа наука. Рассмотрение науки как социального куматоида. Связь науки не только с производством знаний, но и с постоянной систематизацией. Исследовательские и коллекторские программы. Пути формирования науки. Конфликт программ и понятие модели.

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  • The centerpiece of earlier attempts at founding a Marxist philosophy of science. Confrontation Marx's writings on abstraction with contemporary views of the method. Revealation rules, left in Marx for the correct application of the method of abstraction.

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  • Характеристика специфических черт современной науки. Определение понятия техники, анализ условий ее развития. Характеристика основных сфер общественного производства. Изучение взаимодействия науки и техники. Исследование процесса онаучивания производства.

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  • История развития науки в национальных культурах. Сущность и состояние современной науки. Наука как фактор культурного развития людей. Становление подлинно-экспериментальной и точной науки в Новое время. Социально-гуманитарный прогресс науки в XXI веке.

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  • Роль науки в жизни современного общества. Классический, неклассический и постнеклассический этапы в развитии науки. Специфика научного познания, его особенности. Природа и типы научных революций. Перспективы и новые ценностные ориентиры современной науки.

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  • Analysis of the impact of science on the modern society. Research of the relationship between the Noosphere and the economy. The use of knowledge and innovations for the development of technologies, the formation of new conceptual ideas about the world.

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  • Основная форма человеческого познания. Главные предпосылки для возникновения науки. Изучение науки в древние времена. Средневековая науки, связь науки и философии. Современная наука, характеристика ее ключевых концепций. Роль науки в современном обществе.

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