Philosophical practice as experience and travel

Аnalysis of the concepts of philosophical practice, united by their common application and the convergence of the analytical, conceptual and discursive. The connection between the philosophical content and the applied aspect of philosophical practice.

Подобные документы

  • The theory of rational choice. The most common philosophical interpretation of rational-choice theory conceives of it as a psychological theory. The formal of mathematical properties of the agent's preferences. Psychological explanations of phenomena.

    статья, добавлен 11.09.2012

  • Development of examples in support of philosophical positions, the value of a reference point for a "random stranger". Analysis of the use of examples in the controversy about the substantiation of evidence between reductionists and anti-reductivists.

    статья, добавлен 10.11.2021

  • Analysis of the problem of subjectivity in the context of the dialectic of value and normativeness in modern philosophical discourse. Consideration of the peculiarities of the influence of value and normative on the process of formation of subjectivity.

    статья, добавлен 17.04.2022

  • The analysis of discourses about the concept of the body, the lack of its philosophical comprehension, the disadvantages of conceptualization and insignificant methodological confidence. The images of super-waves and superman, which implements mass media.

    статья, добавлен 15.05.2018

  • Philosophical understanding of the phenomena of language, communication in their linguistic, social and psychological sections. Analysis of the teachings of leading philosophers regarding the principles of the functioning of language and communication.

    статья, добавлен 15.04.2023

  • Аnalyze the current transgressive state of postcolonial practices in view of the concept of European identity and its functions in the implementation of international politics. Ideas of European values, historical, cultural, philosophical and ideological.

    статья, добавлен 14.02.2022

  • Makes a detailed analysis and studiying of the understanding of women in the philosophical works of Corpus Aristotelicum. It has been found and characterized that the key issue around which Stagirite reflects on women is the concept of "domination".

    статья, добавлен 17.12.2022

  • Сharacterization of the film "Matrix" from a philosophical and Christian point of view. Exploring the specifics of the matrix as the horror of a false world created only from our sensations. Viewing the film as a dream driven by malevolent forces.

    статья, добавлен 29.06.2020

  • Analysis of noogenesis from the point of view of philosophical traditions, which are much richer than the history of scientific knowledge about the psychology of meanings. The essence of being Dasein psyche in the meaning of "the soul of a philosopher."

    статья, добавлен 22.07.2021

  • Study of the basic postulates of the theory of cosmic inflation and deanthropomorphism. Search for ways to solve long-standing philosophical and logical riddles associated with the anthropic principle. Using Occam's Razor to Explore the Multiverse.

    статья, добавлен 25.11.2021

  • Philosophical justification of human rights. Jacques Maritain - the founder of the French philosophical movement known as personalism. Consideration of the concepts of integral humanism. The intellectual heritage of V. Soloviev and Russian neo-idealism.

    статья, добавлен 04.03.2020

  • Situational variables - the various features of the environment that were created for the participants of the experiment. Comparative characteristic of the phenomenon of independent objects in mathematical theory and in socio-philosophical research.

    статья, добавлен 19.08.2021

  • Socratic dialogue as a genre of Ancient philosophical literature, represented by the so-called Socratics. Original affinity of the kairos with art of weaving, which is considered as paradigm of the art of interweaving of logoi and dramatic composition.

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  • The physical picture of the world - one of the factors that reveal the principle of creativity in the processes of self-organization and self-development of matter. The problem of creativity in the philosophical reflection on a person-world relations.

    статья, добавлен 24.03.2018

  • An anti-exceptionalist view of philosophical methodology, on which it is much closer to the methodology of other disciplines than many philosophers like to think. Non-armchair methods as increasingly rare. "Empirical" methodology of the natural science.

    статья, добавлен 10.11.2021

  • Nature of cogitative processes of man, their essence and philosophical value. A study of properties of human consciousness and mind, their value, is in creative activity. Reflections of man as philosophical category and basic problem of contemporaneity.

    учебное пособие, добавлен 09.04.2013

  • The construction of Leibniz's work in the form of philosophical dialogue. The question of the innate nature of human morality. Sensual-symbolic, contemplative and intuitive aspects and forms of knowledge. The concept of logical and epistemological ideal.

    статья, добавлен 10.09.2012

  • Philosophical discussions about the nature of humanitarian knowledge and the ways in which one can study the inner reality of man as the theoretical background for the formation of the Jaspers' concept. A self-consciousness like a mental process.

    статья, добавлен 04.03.2021

  • The controversy between the "orthodox" Indian philosophical school of Vaiseshika and the Buddhist philosopher Vasubandhu about the existence of the subject ("atman") as a reality. Search for internal contradictions in the arguments of opponents.

    статья, добавлен 20.04.2021

  • Policy research as the main form of state-building activity. Justification of politics and political activity of statesmen on the basis of philosophical reinterpretation of dialectics. Characteristics of moral values that produce a philosophy of politics.

    статья, добавлен 29.02.2020

  • Interpretations of human nature in philosophical traditions as а the ways of realizing of intercultural dialogue. The humanistic trend based on the unity of Man and Heaven, its role in the teachings of Confucius, Meng-tzu, Xun-tzu, Zhu Xi, Wang Yangming.

    статья, добавлен 04.12.2023

  • The study is aimed at a philosophical analysis of the state of humanity’s readiness for technological singularity, the definition of the concept of postbiology and the investigation of ways to bring the population (in particular, the Ukrainian one).

    статья, добавлен 20.08.2021

  • Characteristic of the development of the postmodern philosophical anthropology under the direct influence of psychoanalytical approach. Consideration of the problem of "excessive violence" caused, according to many thinkers, by libidinal impulses.

    статья, добавлен 12.07.2022

  • Offers answers to questions about the role of money in human life. It also clarifies the philosophical meaning of money, how it has developed historically and its features in modern society. Analysis of money as a very great power and responsibility.

    статья, добавлен 08.11.2022

  • The culturological twist in modern science and practical activities implies the clarification of the essence of culture. Turning to the history of the philosophical thought, it is possible to trace the transformation of the understanding of culture.

    статья, добавлен 30.09.2020

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