Reflection on queer issues during the Sochi Olympics
Issues in Russia portrayed in the Daily Mail prior to, and outside the context of, the Sochi Olympics and the World Cup. Portrayal of queer issues in Russia during the Sochi Olympics and World Cup in comparison to other images of queer in the Daily Mail.
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статья, добавлен 28.12.2017Этапы и факторы развития системы международных новостей. Влияние теледипломатии на формирование международной политики. Уникальность информации глобального телевидения. История развития, принципы и концепции вещания телесетей CNN, ВВС World и Euronews.
курсовая работа, добавлен 28.01.2014The preservation of cultural and spiritual heritage in the Russia. Religious situation and state-confessional relations in the country. Promotion of basic ideas, historical processes, new living conditions in Russian society with the help of journalism.
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