The english language in the worldwide scope

The use of English has a significant impact on global culture and international relations. Espite its importance, the dominance of the English languages also raises questions about the preservation of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

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  • English as a global language for maintaining relations between countries in various fields. Analysis of the position of English as a universal language. Benefits of using English as a language of communication in the travel and tourism industry.

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  • List of English words of French origin, the causes of modernization. Indirect impact on the diversity of language dialect groups. Linguistic differences between the old and new English language. Relative chronology of borrowings from other languages.

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  • The national peculiarities notion of culture of the Russian and English languages. The preservation of cultural heritage of human society and the transfer of emotional evaluation. Russian and English idioms representing words "осень" and "autumn".

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  • The issue of language contacts. Analyzes the interaction of Ukrainian and English languages in the economic and cultural conditions of modern Ukraine, influenced by the social situation of language behavior, based on the functional typology of languages.

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  • The article deals with the coronavirus neologisms in the English and Ukrainian languages which are now becoming widespread. English as a global language reflects the profound effect the outbreak of COVID-19 has had on the lives of people worldwide.

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  • General characteristics of the problems of studying foreign languages. Consideration of the English language as a major international. Introduction to the history of translation. The linguistic theory of translation. Translation from English to Russian.

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  • The intricate linguistic interplay between English and other languages, shedding light on the dynamic and complex nature of interactions. The historical, sociocultural, and geographical factors that have contributed to the crossfertilization of English.

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  • The article is devoted to the study of complex linguistic interactions between English and other languages, which reveals the dynamic and complex nature of their interactions. Historical, socio-cultural and geographical factors are also investigated.

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  • Linguistic features of the vowels and consonants in the German language. Historical background, peculiarities of ancient and modern Germanic languages. Phonetic processes in old English, the great vowel shift. Grammatical categories of English verb.

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  • This article is devoted to the consideration of Linguistic and Cultural Studies as an important component in the study of the English language. There were analyzed the characteristic features of learning English. Problem of intercultural interaction.

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  • Circumstances that put the English language at the forefront of the world linguistic process. The level of English language proficiency among the adult population. Proficiency in English as a valuable skill for personal and professional development.

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  • The purpose of the article is to investigate the importance of English as a global language in the professional context of the tourism industry and its influence on lexicology. This study used general scientific and private (linguistic) methods.

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  • Adaptation of lexical units on the examples of adjectives in the process of language communication. Cultural and linguistic pictures of the world. The necessity to study the culture of nation through the English. Semantic peculiarities of language.

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  • Modern cultural and geographical vectors of the development of Multicultural London English. Definition and classification of the main cultural and ethnic groups that have the greatest impact on the formation of languages. Features of the Yafai dialect.

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  • English as the world's most popular. Borrowing vocabulary on the basis of economic, political and cultural ties. French loans in modern English language. Compare dominance common dialects of a certain epoch. Analysis of French-English bilingualism.

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  • Indo-European and Germanic Influences. The development of the English under the influence of other cultures. The linguistic division between the layers of the population. The principal distinction between early- and late-modern English is vocabulary.

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  • Necessity of giving English the appropriate status in the state. Studying English as an international language of communication. The expansion of the use of English in Ukraine. Analysis of content of the draft law on the use of English in Ukraine.

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  • History of English in the systemic conception of English. Connection of the subject with other disciplines. Synchrony and diachrony in the language study. The Formation of the English National Language. Periods in the History of the English Language.

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  • Historical and cultural prerequisites for the emergence of the palindrome. Linguistic data analysis of a sample of palindrome words from English and Chinese dictionaries. Characteristics of the modern supranational common language picture of the world.

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  • The borrowing process as the reflection of cultural contacts. The impact of historical events on the development of English vocabulary. Potential of the borrowings in English language. Classification of borrowings according to the degree of assimilation.

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  • Inseparability of two concepts - "culture" and "slang phenomenon" in English. Disclosure of the concept of "culturally significant component" when using slang. The influence of cultural information of language units on the mentality of native speakers.

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  • Research of communication between the representatives of different cultures, where the main role is played by the English. The linguistic analysis of the English loanwords and the comparative analysis of the borrowing process in the Ukrainian language.

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  • Studying of english language in topics: the history of the english language, higher education in Russia, in Great Britain and in USA. Student’s life at Oxford, Cambridge and in Moscow state university. Exercises and questions for learning topics.

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  • Germanic languages, their classification and main features. Main changes in the development of the English vocalic System. Changes of stressed vowels in Early Old English. Borrowings from other languages in the evolution of the English vocabulary.

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  • Review of the lexical affinity of the term system of international relations in English, German and Ukrainian languages. Lexical affinity as a measure of harmonization of terminology. Basic conditions for mutual enrichment of different languages.

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