Cybergnosticism: seeking paradise in cyberspace

Trying find meaning in life - searching for purpose in natural sciences and technology: the idea that we can achieve salvation through science. Technology and its creation in order to fill the void created by the loss traditional religious faith people.

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  • Reflections of the philosopher Yu.M. Bohensky on the topic of the meaning of life in the community. Analysis of Ukrainian society from the point of view of individual and social meaning. Reasons for the unsuccessful search for the Ukrainian national idea.

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  • The image of science as a project focused on substantiating the support of fundamental science. Changes in natural sciences in the process of creating "reliable knowledge" at the request of the funder. Forgetting the original epistemic goals of science.

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  • Viktor Emil Frankl as a creator of anthropology. Axiological dimension as an important dimension of the human person. A world of values that are abstract universals of sense. Philosophical explanation of these values and appeal to religious faith.

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  • Humanism as a movement aimed at protecting human dignity, rights and values. The existence of both humanistic and anti-humanistic forms of religion. The rational foundations of theistic faith. Supporters of the "secular" and "religious" humanist movement.

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  • Most people feel on occasion that life is absurd. Yet the reasons usually offered in defense of this conviction are patently inadequate: they could not really explain why life is absurd. Why then they provide a natural expression for the sense that it is?

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  • Related to the cardinal changes taking place in modern science and social practice and their significant effects on research issues in the field of theoretical and social philosophy. Analysis of the development of production, culture, education.

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  • Socrates’ idea of man as a moral being and Plato’s biological naturalism. Philosophical ideas of human nature, its role and place in nature - the factors that prepared the ground for the justification of the idea of natural law by the stoicism school.

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  • The essence of man - development, overcoming the present and building the future in accordance with the purpose, plans, projects. Consciousness as the essential force of man, which reflects and creates the world. Properties that characterize the activity.

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  • Evaluation of philosophical developments in the field of globalism. The causes of the crisis of meaning in the postmodern era. Identification of points of contact of different philosophical positions. Analysis of the problem of the meaning of being.

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  • Analysis of the role and place of faith in the concept of the creator of the first Russian philosophical system V.S. Solovyov. Features of determining the methodological meaning of faith in the understanding of Solovyov as a special factor of cognition.

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  • Interpretation of natural, positive law in the work of the Ukrainian philosopher P. Yurkevich. The transition from the theory of natural law to the philosophy of law in Ukrainian spiritual culture. The idea of natural law in the works of the philosopher.

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  • Study of the development of Ukrainian culture in line with traditionalism. Defense of Orthodoxy as a catholic faith. Defining the modern through the past. Representing the spiritual efforts of the people in preserving their own cultural foundations.

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  • Analysis of the meaning of the category of the secular in the religious and philosophical collections of essays of the beginning of the twentieth century. The problem of the secularization. The secular philosophy in the religious, Christian discourse.

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  • The struggle of the traditional paradigm of philosophical thinking with a new type of philosophizing oriented towards natural sciences. The essence of the program of "critical positivism". Bogdanov's "empirio-monism" and Yushkevich's "empirio-symbolism".

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  • The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences is comprehensive reference work that represents the methodological and theoretical diversity of this changing field. At the core of the encyclopedia are concise entries, from Acquisition to X-bar Theory.

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  • The essence of D. Bell's understanding of post-industrial society. It turned out that the he understood it as an "analytical construction", and not a characteristic of a particular society, focusing on the large-scale growth of "intellectual technology".

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  • The analysis of the philosophical doctrine of the English scientist John Locke's of man and theory of knowledge. The problems of the philosophy of nature and science in his works. Study and criticism of Locke judgments about the people and substances.

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