Дизайн пивного ресторана кинотеатра "Cinema" в городе

Характеристика участка комплекса, технико-экономические показатели и описание здания, планировочное решение. Цветовая гармония и композиция, колорит. Правила меблировки в помещениях комплекса с кинотеатром "Cinema", расчет и распределение освещения.

Подобные документы

  • Analysis of the state of Uzbek cinema. Its directions: rapprochement with the classics of domestic literature, turning to historical topics that concern the modern audience, development of a moral theme from the point of view of modern national ideology.

    статья, добавлен 24.09.2023

  • The studying and analyzing the specifics of the use of the memoir heritage of the artists through the example of three publications of different years of the Ukrainian Soviet theater and cinema actor, film director and cinema teacher Evgen Matveyev.

    статья, добавлен 14.10.2018

  • Identify the peculiarities of directorial creativity in Ukrainian theatre and cinema institutions in terms of reflecting the events of the Soviet-German war. The role of directors in highlighting the achievements of masters of theatre and cinema.

    статья, добавлен 20.07.2024

  • Analysis of American and Soviet films released during the Cold War. Depiction of nuclear conflict in American cinema. A story about the era of the constant threat of a global nuclear conflict and about people who were in a state of continuous fear.

    статья, добавлен 21.01.2022

  • Законы оптического смешения цветов, знание которых необходимо для художников. Цветовая гармония как важнейшее средство художественной выразительности в живописи. Теория гармонических цветовых сочетаний Адамса, ее принципы. Форма и композиция в дизайне.

    реферат, добавлен 13.12.2016

  • The concept of "creative/creative industries". The mechanism of existence of creative industries in our time, their significance in sociocultural practice. The role of musical minimalism in cinema, music by composer F. Glass for the "Katzi" trilogy.

    статья, добавлен 19.03.2024

  • Analysis of the biography of V. Mashkov - actor of Russian cinema and theater, a talented director and master of disguise. Getting an actor the main role in the play "Sailor's Silence." Numerous awards at national and international film festivals.

    статья, добавлен 10.03.2019

  • A sketch of the life of the creative path of the famous Russian actress of theater and cinema Svetlana Hodchenkova. Analysis of her filmography, achievements and place among the cast. Assessment of the demand for Hodchenkova from modern directors.

    статья, добавлен 11.03.2019

  • Consideration of the creative aspect of screen adaptation. Ensuring the attractiveness of the target media product while observing the conventions of meaning formation in the multimodal space of cinema and preserving the cultural features of the source.

    статья, добавлен 12.02.2024

  • The present stage of the film industry development in general and feature films in particular, the leading trends in stunt art are: enhancing the stuntness of the stunt; performing super-complicated stunts by leading actors without understudies.

    статья, добавлен 10.04.2023

  • Creative aspect of screen adaptations as a form of intersemiotic translation. Ensuring of appeal media product while following the conventions of meaning-making in the multimodal space of cinema and preserving social and cultural features of the source.

    статья, добавлен 18.11.2023

  • Memory of the World Register for being the world's first full-length feature film by UNESCO "The Story of the Kelly Gang". The various explanations for subsequent demise of the industry. An era of resurgence in worldwide popularity of Australian cinema.

    реферат, добавлен 26.10.2013

  • Short biography of the Russian actor cinema S.V. Bezrukov, years of study at the MHAT under the direction of O. Tabakov. Features of work on television, the glory after the role in the TV series "Brigada". Work in the Moscow regional art house "Kuzminki".

    статья, добавлен 10.03.2019

  • English-Speaking Countries. What is Culture. Holidays in Great Britain and in the USA. Music in Britain. Steven Spielberg: Movie Wizard. Charlie Chaplin – Comic Genius of the Cinema. The History of English Literature. Painting and Architecture in Britain.

    методичка, добавлен 15.01.2014

  • Expanding and enriching the human experience through identification and visualization mechanisms. Phenomenological perspective of interaction between human and screen reality. Study of understanding cinema as a process of "consumption" of visual material.

    статья, добавлен 27.02.2024

  • The study and analysis of the life and career of the Ukrainian Director of the art, scientifically-popular and documentary films, G. I. Lipschitz. The study of little-known pages of history of Ukrainian cinema and its leaders Kulieshov and Eisenstein.

    статья, добавлен 28.12.2017

  • The influence of cinema on the formation of the memory of the genocide of the Jewish people. The propaganda goal of making films in the 1930s with Jewish themes, their ban in 1939 and return to the screens with the beginning of the German-Soviet war.

    статья, добавлен 08.06.2022

  • Study of production through the prism of cinema, video production, cinematographic activity, film production. Differences between the terms "video production" and "film production", "videography", "video editing". The stages of video design production.

    статья, добавлен 11.07.2023

  • Two models of the of world cinema are distinguished: a producer and a producer - director. The first one features the dominant role of the producer. The second one - close cooperation between the producer and the director. The forms of Polish film system.

    статья, добавлен 12.07.2022

  • An analysis of the life and creative path of the Ukrainian director of documentary films O.M. Shopin. Study of little-known pages of the history of Ukrainian cinema and its figures, which were left out of the attention of various domestic art critic.

    статья, добавлен 30.08.2018

  • Focused on the phenomenon of the early Ukrainian decadent cinema, in particular, in relation to filmings of Volodymyr Vynnychenko’s dramaturgy. V. Vyskovsky's film "The Lament" of 1918 as the most significant work of the Ukrainian cinema decadence.

    статья, добавлен 25.08.2018

  • Композиционное (художественно-конструкторское) формообразование. Интегральные содержательно-эстетические категории композиции. Объемно-пространственная структура. Тектоника. Колорит. Симметричная, асимметричная, статическая, динамическая композиция.

    реферат, добавлен 10.01.2015

  • Цветовое зрение как мощный источник информации и мире. Анализ спектров поглощения и отражения. Расчет малых цветовых различий. Цветовая гармония желтого и синего, зеленого и красного, сине-зеленого и голубого цветов, их психологическая характеристика.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 29.10.2017

  • Анализ формообразований мемориальных комплексов на протяжении истории, их технических особенностей. Разработка пространственной формы дизайн-проекта мемориального комплекса памяти жертв Чернобыльской аварии с учетом прогнозирования тенденций будущего.

    дипломная работа, добавлен 14.03.2015

  • Упаковка как объект исследования в условиях дизайн-проектирования. Эстетический анализ идентификации графического дизайн-продукта. Художественно-конструктивный метод в дизайн-проектировании объемно-пространственной композиции упаковочного комплекса.

    дипломная работа, добавлен 05.06.2015

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