Body language

Postures used in different human cultures. Gestures which are unique to particular areas, and meaningless in others. Most common way to greet someone in Western countries. The uses and variation of eye contact. Cultures influence communication styles.

Подобные документы

  • The influence of language contact on the development of the modern English language. The language contact has been a constant phenomenon throughout the history of language and that no language remains indifferent to external influences over time.

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  • Globalization and modern technological advances as the factor of interaction between people of different nationalities and cultures. Features monochronal and polychronic cultures. Conditions for successful project management in mixed international teams.

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  • Study of the peculiarities of intercultural communication, its types, forms. Analysis of the causes of difficulties in communication due to the difference in cultures. Attention is focused on translation strategies common in intercultural communication.

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  • Research of communication between the representatives of different cultures, where the main role is played by the English. The linguistic analysis of the English loanwords and the comparative analysis of the borrowing process in the Ukrainian language.

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  • Rejection as a speech act that can endanger both sides of communication. Differences between different languages, cultures, ethnic ways of thinking, differences in the way rejection is implemented, in particular, in Chinese and Japanese linguocultures.

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  • Various processes of interaction between cultures and their influence on the results of communication. Consideration of the definition of "cultural awareness" and disclosure of the role of important communication in the modern socio-cultural space.

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  • Communication, communication, action, influence are the main functions of language, on which style differentiation depends. A very limited use of words in figurative meaning as one of the main lexical peculiarities of the official-business style.

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  • Translation like an important means of communication between individuals who speak different languages and belong to different cultures. Analysis of the role and tasks of the translator in the process of intercultural communication of individuals.

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  • Nowadays English as an international language of human speech, indivisible part of society. Another language as a different vision of life. A common communication system. Knowledge of the customs and lifestyles of the peoples. Wednesday our thinking.

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  • The analyzing of the peculiarities of the functional styles of the modern Ukrainian language and highlight new tendencies in each of them. Lexical peculiarities offunctional styles of the Ukrainian language. Mutual influence, interpenetration of styles.

    статья, добавлен 29.08.2018

  • Study of the specificity of vocabulary and syntactic constructions in various spheres of human life. Characteristics of the classification of functional styles I.V. Arnold and I.R. Galperin. Linguistic features the language of the drama and emotive prose.

    реферат, добавлен 22.05.2017

  • Analysis of the influence of human literacy on the linguistic processing of abstract constructions during communication. Improving the skills of phonemic sense and awareness. Increasing the level of mastery of the Kashmiri language by illiterate speakers.

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  • Functional stylistics of the English language. Social influence and public opinion manipulation. Linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the classification of functional styles. Rational cognition language and presentation of the dynamics of thinking.

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  • General information on functional styles of language and his characteristic stylistic devices. Functional style of language as a system of interrelated language means which serve a definite purpose in communication. The stages of English development.

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  • Study of the concept of transitional bilingualism and homogenization of world cultures and promotion of constant bilingualism and hybridization through the model of linguocultural preservation. The period of monolinguism in the ethnic mother language.

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  • The northwestern fringe of the Tibetan-speaking area, now forming a part of the Jammu and Kashmir state of India and of Pakistani-controlled Northern Areas, of intensive ethnic and language contact. The the dialectal distribution of Indo-Iranian.

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  • The study of the speech communication and conversational strategies. Research of the linguistic phenomenon "ambivalence". Methods of perlocutionary influence on the addressee. Analysis of the units of language functioning aimed at communicative contact.

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  • A study of the nature of the comic in political stand-up comedy. Use of words, body language, facial expressions, and gestures in the communication process. Cognitive mechanisms of humor expression. Analysis of means of creating ontological incongruence.

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  • Studying the features of intercultural communication in the context of translation practice. Analysis of the specific of working of the translator. Improving professional skills in the process of interaction with representatives of different cultures.

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  • Indo-European and Germanic Influences. The development of the English under the influence of other cultures. The linguistic division between the layers of the population. The principal distinction between early- and late-modern English is vocabulary.

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  • Analysis of the concept of language shift, the reasons for its appearance and development. Development of a new method for classifying types of language shift in terms of changes occurring in areas of communication and levels of language competence.

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  • Comparative analysis of language constructs representing the framework of speech strategies and tactics, which determines the arrangement ofpolitical communication in different lingual cultures. Political interaction as a communicative sphere.

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  • Switzerland consists of different cultures and languages. The minorities in Switzerland are in the first place ethno-linguistic minorities, whose are unified by a common language. The confederation and cantons are obliged to protect linguistic minorities.

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  • Interpersonal communication skills to convey messages clearly, address public concerns, and promote transparency. English is the means by which officers convey the facts of the case. Interaction with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

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  • Creation of the Ukrainian state, relations with other countries. Translation acts as a link between languages, cultures. The milestones in the life and work of famous translators: Yu. Klen, M. Orest, I. Kostetsky, S. Hordynsky, Y. Lutsky, O. Zuevsky.

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