Features of the cryptocurrency market

Occurrence of the idea of online payments. The development of the cryptocurrency market, its modern problems, the reasons for the growth and popularity of various types of tokens among investors, the problems and prospects for using cryptocurrency.

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  • Cryptocurrency as a type of electronic means of payment, cryptographic elements of money. The history of the emergence of cryptocurrency, its advantages and disadvantages. Bitcoin - a representative of cryptocurrency operating in the peer-to-peer system.

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  • Application of foreign experience in the implementation of electronic settlements in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Principles and mechanism of legal regulation of cryptocurrency. Assessment of liquidity of virtual currencies. Securing Bitcoin transactions.

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  • Formation of the general classification of virtual assets, based on the characteristic features inherent in the products of the latest financial digital technology of distributed registry (blockchain), and having a common well-known name - cryptocurrency.

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  • It brings forth the scheme of the business process arising during conclusion of the leasing agreement, describes phased steps of all participants in the leasing. It offers a set of measures to change the legislation in order to develop the leasing market.

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