Fashion business in Ukraine

The Ukrainian fashion: in expectation of a miracle. Fashion event boosts Ukraine’s nascent fashion industry. Made in Ukraine becomes fashionable. The 17th Pret-a-Porter Seasons of Fashion Week. 27th UFW: a spicy treat for European fashionistas.

Подобные документы

  • Today, the fashion world has once again discovered the wonderful styles from the '60s. We've come full circle and clothes are not the only part of hippiedom to resurface for the new millennium.

    реферат, добавлен 21.12.2003

  • The Climate of Ukraine. The Capital of Ukraine. Ukraine Traditions, ukrainian Places of Interest. The education System in Ukraine. Ukrainian Youth Nowadays. The problem of Environmental Protection in Ukraine. Ukraine and English-speaking Countries.

    реферат, добавлен 13.11.2010

  • General information about Ukraine. Ukraine became independent again after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. This began a transition period to a market economy. Industry and agriculture. Economy of Ukraine. The Interesting places in Kyiv.

    реферат, добавлен 10.08.2008

  • The Structure of Ukrainian Government. Rights and Duties of the Ukrainian Citizens. The Constitution of Ukraine. The state language. The Verkhovna Rada's main function is making laws. The Cabinet of Ministers is the highest body of the executive power.

    контрольная работа, добавлен 13.11.2010

  • The role of English language in a global world. The historical background, main periods of borrowings in the Middle and Modern English language. The functioning of French borrowings in the field of fashion, food, clothes in Middle and Modern English.

    дипломная работа, добавлен 01.10.2015

  • Сharacteristics of the current state of agriculture in Ukraine, including an analysis of its potential, problems and prospects of development. Description of major agricultural equipment used in Ukraine. Features of investment in agriculture in Ukraine.

    реферат, добавлен 28.06.2010

  • One of determinant national foreign policy priorities is European and Euroatlantic integration. Relationship between Ukraine and NATO was established in 1991, when Ukraine proclaimed sovereignty right after the fall of the USSR and joined the Council.

    статья, добавлен 29.12.2009

  • Educational text from English with translation about history of Ukraine. Some information about history of Ukraine, its independence, Zaporizka Sich, activity of the Dnipro Cossacks. Short dictionary, list of questions to the text and answers to them.

    контрольная работа, добавлен 21.11.2010

  • Every day the world economy becomes more global. This tendency hasn't avoided Ukraine. Many domestic companies have already felt on themselves negative consequences of this process. New conditions of business dealing is first of all new possibilities.

    реферат, добавлен 27.10.2010

  • Ukraine is an energy-rich republic. Renewable energy installed capacities. Geothermal energy refers to the heat within the earth’s surface that can be recovered and used for practical purposes. Potential for wind power and Solar energy, their use.

    эссе, добавлен 20.03.2011

  • Politics ukrainization, conducted by the bolsheviks. National and spiritual revival of Ukraine after the First World War. Proofs of regional revitalization movement. Museum of local traffic as a kind of excursion. Preferential tourist activities.

    реферат, добавлен 10.05.2011

  • Support of business entities on the part of specialized agencies of the state on world markets. Interconnection of economic diplomacy of Ukraine in international cooperation with influence on the results of foreign economic activity of the country.

    статья, добавлен 19.09.2017

  • National treasures of Ukraine: orthodox Кyiv-Pechersky Monastery, Saint Sophia. The building of Ukrainian parliament, Verkhovna Rada, Palace Mariinsky, Khreshchatyk and other more than 2000 streets of capital. Economic and industrial centre of Kyiv.

    контрольная работа, добавлен 20.10.2012

  • Kyiv - the capital of Ukraine and one of the biggest cities in Europe. St. Sophia Cathedral. Mariyinsky Palace. Andriyivsky Uzviz (Andriyivsky Descent). Ukraine Kyiv Funicular. Horodetskyi Building. Volodymyr Cathedral. Khreschatyk - the main street in Ky

    реферат, добавлен 26.03.2007

  • Distribution and characteristics of the national dishes of Ukraine in the daily menu farmer: stuffed vareniks, red borsch, porridge and bender. Recipes and cooking technology Sunday, Christian, holidays, and traditional meatless dishes in the country.

    презентация, добавлен 20.12.2011

  • Features of financial planning in June. Summary and objectives of the financial plan in August. Of the Financial Planning business in Ukraine. Role of financial management of enterprises. Improving financial planning in modern business environment.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 11.05.2011

  • The concept, types and importance of enterprise infrastructure. Provided producing technologically-advanced enterprise infrastructure. Problems of infrastructure in enterprises of Ukraine. Reproduction and development of enterprise infrastructure.

    реферат, добавлен 29.10.2011

  • France is a member state of the European Union, the largest one by area. It is also the third largest in Europe behind Russia and Ukraine. It would be second if its extra-European territories like French Guiana. It is a unitary semi-presidential republic.

    презентация, добавлен 02.05.2010

  • General Fund Deposit Guarantee. Terms of Guarantee Fund of physical persons in Ukraine. Tasks and supervisory functions guarantee fund individuals - depositors of Commercial Banks. Feasibility of new surveillance powers of the Fund Deposit Guarantee.

    реферат, добавлен 14.05.2011

  • "The Precept of Volodymyr Monomakh" as an outstanding literary memorial of the distant past. The life of the Ukrainian writers. The universal humanistic significance as an eloquent expression of the hopes and aspirations of a downtrodden nation.

    контрольная работа, добавлен 12.12.2010

  • Examination of arguments used by Russia to accuse Ukraine of the catastrophe of the Malaysian Boeing 777. Establishing a worldwide tribunal for investigating crimes perpetrated by the aircraft. Qualification of the tragedy in terms of international law.

    статья, добавлен 19.09.2017

  • Translating of reasons from English into Russian about custom service. New customs duties on the export of oil and oil products. New customs regulations for the import of commodities to Ukraine. Information for physical persons, travelling on air.

    контрольная работа, добавлен 26.07.2010

  • The description of seasons, their characteristic signs and advantages of everyone them them. The description of holidays on seasons of year: national and nation-wide, ridiculous and serious. Features of celebrating, history of occurrence of holidays.

    реферат, добавлен 23.04.2011

  • The basic ancient legal codes; Law and Society in Ukraine. Its state symbols are the State Flag, the Emblem, the Anthem. Public of government: the Parliament – the Verkhovna Rada; the Cabinet of Ministers; the President; the Constitution; Criminal Law.

    топик, добавлен 06.01.2012

  • Economic growth and potential of economic system. The main problems of productive forces in Ukraine. Modern approaches to productivity. Productivity growth in industries. Improvements in infrastructure quality Support of employment of the population.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 09.05.2011

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