L’influence des emprunts sur la modification de la structure du français dans le discours moderne

La question des emprunts dans la langue des éléments d'autres systèmes linguistiques attire l'attention des linguistes modernes pour analyser les particularités et les causes des contacts linguistiques. L'étude des emprunts dans l

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  • Lexical-morphological means of forming the normative structure of sentences in English and Azerbaijani languages. The place of lexical-semantic, morphological and syntactic features of the verb in the formation of the nominative structure of the sentence.

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  • Consideration of features of computer terminology, its structure and translation of complex words-terms and terminological phrases. The problem of translating English computer terms into Ukrainian. Principles of working with technical documentation.

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  • Analysis of language changes at the lexical, morphological and syntactic levels in modern English and Spanish. Investigation of the process of nominalization in economic discourse. Application metaphors and personification to explain abstract concepts.

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  • Implementation of argument-predicate structure of elementary sentences in the texts the business of legal discourse. The mental scheme for the participants of legal communication. An explanation of the syntactic peculiarities of legal discourse.

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  • The scientific article examines the factors of linguistic integration and the role of the European Union in these processes. The issue of the influence of English loanwords on the Ukrainian linguistic picture of the world is under consideration.

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  • Lexicology as stimulation of systematic approach to the facts of vocabulary. The internal structure of the word or its meaning and semantic structure. The etymological doublets, their meaning and word-building. Morpheme as a small unit of the word.

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  • Study of difference between business and personnel letters. Analysis of features and types of business letters. Characteristic of letter structure and placement, letter style and the layout of the envelope. Main stages drafting sample of business letter.

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  • Stages of development of bilingualism in the republics of South Siberia. Formation of its social context under the influence of extralinguistic factors and linguistic hierarchy. Analysis of the influence of the pragmatic approach on linguistic behavior.

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  • Addresses the problem of linguistic means of suggestive influence. Acquaintance with the results of structural and cognitive analysis of the syntax of Obama's and Cameron's political speeches. Definition of the concept of semantic incorporation.

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  • Comparison - a means to overload, confuse and puzzle the recipient in order to block easy ways to solve the riddle. Analysis of the main reasons for violation of the canonical principle of information structure in comparisons of old english riddles.

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