Fungus is a problem of the century. Nystatin ointment is an assistant
Nystatin ointment as a product, which is usually attributed to polyenes, has a pronounced antifungal effect. Evaluation of the effectiveness of this drug in the fight against Candida fungi, the current state and prospects for its use in the future.
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Обоснование пародонтопатогенной роли грибов рода Candida spp. при воспалительных заболеваниях пародонта. Разработка и обоснование методов диагностики, прогнозирования и лечения таких нарушений на основании клинико-микробиологического исследования.
автореферат, добавлен 29.12.2017Microscopic fungi including yeasts are important part of human microbiota. The molecular genetic identification of human sputum yeast isolate MF22_1, belonging to Candida spp., by using multiple genetic markers including ribosomal operon regions.
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презентация, добавлен 01.03.2016Effect of piracetam and interleukin- 1 receptor antagonist on the values of thiol-disulfide system and protein oxidative modification (POM) was studied based on the rat alloxan diabetes model. The reasons of damage to brain tissue of the animals.
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статья, добавлен 19.03.2024The role of glucose in the proliferative activity of tumor cells. Analysis of the microenvironment preceding the transition of tumor cells from an adhesive to a non-adhesive state. Effect of glucose on metabolic plasticity of Lewis lung carcinoma cells.
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