Mobile app analysis as an area of digital analysis

The analises widespread adoption of data-driven business intelligence techniques at the operational, tactical, and strategic levels in the mobile industry, coupled with the integration of user-centric metrics, has brought about a paradigm shift.

Подобные документы

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  • Development and implementation of new technologies in banking services. The ability to improve the existing anti-fraud model used in real banking practice. Clusters and their impact on the assessment of the existing anti-fraud model. Data Chart Analysis.

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  • It is developed software integration of different computer-aided design systems in the design of wind power plants. The block-diagram of computer-aided design system is presented. Analysis and especially considering of the format conversion mechanism.

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  • Characterization major methods of construction principal manifolds. Familiarity with the issues numerical computation. Analysis nonlinear manifold learning from unorganized data points is a challenging unsupervised learning and data visualization.

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  • This paper presents a comprehensive algorithm for creating an automated system to collect, store, analyze and research data from a business. Its main features include synchronization with, and output to, an application installed on a PC or smartphone.

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  • Analysis of simple principal component as a tool for dimension reduction can fail badly. Local approximations of principal component as among the most promising. Localized versions of component and principal curves and local partitioning algorithms.

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  • The dimension reduction as a way to overcome the errors of the measurement when dealing with vector data in high-dimensional spaces and as a modelling tool of map. A techniques for dimension. The implementation of neural's networks for these techniques.

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  • Analysis of developing classification task based on structural connectomes. Custom metrics based on random walk logarithms. Performance metric and hyperparameters grid search. Results obtained for this functional connectivity based parcellation scheme.

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  • The replacement of the distribution of probable landmark locations, obtained from each local detector, with simpler parametric forms. Extensions to handle partial occlusions and reduce computational complexity. Algorithm regularized landmark mean-shift.

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  • The exploration of the possibilities of digital technologies with elements of artificial intelligence as a promising tool for combating corruption-related criminal offenses. Strategy to address corruption-related criminal activities under of martial law.

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  • Examining various methods of traffic throttling and user reputation handling in the context of Bittorrent networks. An overview of the main methods for calculating user reputation and ways to differentiate the quality of services based on them.

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  • Наличие для пользователя огромного количества возможностей по применению и работе с загруженной информацией - одна из предпосылок для создания мобильных приложений. Описание принципов построения единого информационного пространства ПАО "Ростелеком".

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  • Проведение исследования необходимости внедрения Mobile Device Management на предприятиях. Потеря компаниями уверенности в безопасности корпоративных данных как основная угроза политики BYOD. Особенность внедрения MDM-решений и в розничной торговле.

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  • Windows CE (WinCE) – вариант операционной системы Microsoft Windows для наладонных компьютеров, смартфонов и встраиваемых систем. Windows CE предоставляет набор API, основанный на стандартном Win32 API и дополненный специализированным API для устройств.

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  • Analysis procedure synthesis, analysis and architectural and structural construction computing subsystem as part of the information management system security. The criticality of architectural elements and functions of management information system.

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  • In this book - notions from three different areas: how digital information has to be designed, how artifacts or systems containing digital content should maximize usability, how context can influence the nature and efficiency of digital communication.

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  • Information technologies for working with knowledge bases are considered, and a description of the concepts of Knowledge Management and "Business Intelligence" is given. The classification of knowledge is given. according to different categories of signs.

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  • Consideration of book presentsways, him разнородностей in statistical models on the different levels of analysis, successive theoretical structure that places the models of lids as decision elements in a race between a steganography and steganalysis.

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