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Подобные документы

  • The purpose of the article is to characterize international competition within the framework of existing integration structures, to determine the prospects for the development of states in conditions of constitutional competition between countries.

    статья, добавлен 23.02.2022

  • Contradictory moments of the leading countries of Western Europe in the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict within the framework of international organizations. The impact of the conflict on relations between international organizations.

    статья, добавлен 24.07.2020

  • Analyzed a sample of countries including the EU member state and countries with similar development level. Specialization in exports of most components of food industry and agriculture is widespread among small and less developed economies outside the EU.

    статья, добавлен 09.03.2023

  • Levels of relations and communications in the system of international economic cooperation. The results of Ukraine's participation in the Seventh Framework Program. The objectives of the EU to Ukraine and other countries that formerly part of the Union.

    статья, добавлен 02.01.2019

  • The criteria offered in this article follow ideas of both scholars and practitioners and attempt to balance several dilemmas of evaluation of peace operations: between peace and justice, external and internal outcomes, international and local dimensions.

    статья, добавлен 24.06.2021

  • Terrorism as one of the most dangerous crimes of the present, which quite often has not only national, but also international character. The author study and analyze the nature of terrorism, its negative consequences in development of world community.

    статья, добавлен 07.10.2018

  • Economic sanctions are a tool of international policy aimed at influencing countries that violate international standards. Restrictions on trade, financial transactions and investments to encourage changes in the behavior of the recipient country.

    статья, добавлен 12.05.2024

  • Analysis of the progress of Jordan in its regional international politics in the period 2011-2015. Violation of the strategic balance of power during the revolutionary events in the region. The exploration of the ethnosocial diversity of the kingdom.

    статья, добавлен 26.06.2020

  • The study of the image of the state as a set of ideas resulting from the comparison of all the features of the country, experiences that influence the creation of a certain image. Improving Ukraine's image, raising its prestige on the international arena.

    статья, добавлен 12.05.2024

  • BRICS as an independent international political organization of leading, emerging economies, included big and developing countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China. The most serious problems: dealing with construction permits, starting a business.

    статья, добавлен 10.03.2013

  • Digitalization of international logistics business. Construction of electronic supply chains. Distribution of virtual resource flows. Research of the problem, opportunities and prospects in the process of implementing the basic principles of e-logistics.

    статья, добавлен 14.02.2022

  • The article focuses on the basic fact that wars acquire a hybrid character in the 21st century. It is emphasized that the new ways of waging war are aimed at destroying the state from the inside by unbalancing all organizational systems of the state.

    статья, добавлен 05.03.2023

  • Interpretation and long-term forecasting of the processes and methods by which a political entity seeks to gain or increase its power in the international environment. The special value of geopolitical narratives of the concept of space and geography.

    статья, добавлен 08.06.2024

  • Mutual economic cooperation and peace as the most important elements for the formation and development of the Caucasus region. Great Silk road like the international energetic corridor for creating economically and democratically developed societes.

    статья, добавлен 18.07.2018

  • Concept, trends and perspectives of resoring. The reasons for the transfer of US production facilities to the countries of Southeast Asia. Analysis of the consequences of the fourth industrial revolution. Objectives of the international division of labor.

    статья, добавлен 05.03.2021

  • Impact the coronavirus will have on international affairs in the short and long term. Research into the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and some of its notable impacts. Stasis and change in the pandemic. The pandemic: opportunity, risk and stasis.

    статья, добавлен 11.06.2021

  • Globalization as a factor in changing the structure of the world economy. Global network market economy as a set of national farms, which leads to the collapse of the geoeconomy. Review of theories about the approach to the international system.

    статья, добавлен 05.10.2020

  • Розглядається історія створення міжнародної правозахисної організації Amnesty International, яка з моменту свого заснування веде роботу по всьому світу, спрямовану на припинення порушень прав людини. Охарактеризовано діяльність міжнародної організації.

    статья, добавлен 09.02.2023

  • The analysis of the international relationships in terms of the global transformations from an American point of view. The article explores relevant newspaper articles published after the World War II. Strategy of building relations with colonial empires.

    статья, добавлен 18.06.2021

  • Analysis of the determination of the regional system of international relations by domestic political processes in Taiwan. Election results. The "Taiwan problem" from the perspective of China's priorities. Factors of geopolitical influence of the PRC.

    статья, добавлен 19.06.2024

  • Понятие и предпосылки вертикальной экономической интеграции в современной структуре мирового нефтяного бизнеса. Выбор стратегии развития компании. Особенности консолидации финансовых результатов дочерних предприятий, экспортные отношения государств.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 29.05.2015

  • International cooperation in the field of culture. Azerbaijanian national capacity building for the triumph of peace. Humanitarian development of relations in the world. The promotion of the moral wealth of the Azerbaijani people in the world orbit.

    статья, добавлен 04.03.2019

  • The article is devoted to the new traditional diplomacy branch analysis, which emerged as a result of scientific and technological progress - network diplomacy. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the term base field of this phenomenon.

    статья, добавлен 17.09.2021

  • The analysis of the instruments of state regulation offoreign economic activity and the role in these processes of economic diplomacy, namely the anti-crisis diplomatic function, is aimed at ensuring national security. Level of international cooperation.

    статья, добавлен 19.07.2018

  • The current stage of integration processes in the EU is accompanied by the rapid development of external migration processes, so the unified EU migration policy must be implemented taking into account the problems associated with the mass flows.

    статья, добавлен 31.01.2024

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