Information resources on philosophy in Azerbaijan

After our country regained its independence, as a result of successive reforms carried out in all spheres of social life the creation of qualitatively new conditions in the education system led to the emergence of a new perspective on philosophy teaching.

Подобные документы

  • Means of achieving the true presence of the subject in law. The search for new ways of being right, adequate to modern reality. The purpose of performance in philosophy and art. Study of the effectiveness of law in linguistic performative structures.

    статья, добавлен 08.08.2022

  • Slavoj Zizek uses examples from popular culture to explain the theory of Jacques Lacan and also uses Lacanian psychoanalysis, Hegelian philosophy and Marxist economic criticism to interpret and speak extensively on immediately current social phenomena.

    статья, добавлен 10.08.2013

  • A long shadow of logical positivism. The approach to language through a study of logical form. Predominance of logical positivism in philosophy area. Behaviorism had a run of influence within philosophy. Behaviorism influence within philosophy area.

    статья, добавлен 09.09.2012

  • The problem of ideology in marxist thought: the concept of false consciousness to the "theory of the dominant ideology." Althusser's critique of theoretical humanism of Marx. Evolution of social philosophy of Foucault and the problem of social ontology.

    книга, добавлен 10.09.2012

  • Williamson acknowledges that "Armchair thinking is far from a "pure" method" and goes on to make some observations. He defends armchair philosophy as a variety of armchair science, like mathematics, or computer modeling in evolutionary theory, economics.

    статья, добавлен 10.11.2021

  • Stages of forming of philosophical world view to R. Popper, predstavitelz philosophy of postpositivism. Analysis of works of philosopher, where the ideas of decision of problems of philosophy and methodology of natural science were presented them.

    автореферат, добавлен 05.09.2012

  • Advances in empirical research on consciousness and in the field of artificial intelligence technologies. An analysis of the internal dynamics of theories and ontologies, which makes it possible to clarify the relationship between philosophy and science.

    статья, добавлен 26.07.2023

  • Analysis of the context, essence and philosophical consequences of Rosenzweig's rethinking of the prohibition of idolatry. The contact of tradition with modernity as a factor determining radical changes in the philosophy of modernizing societies.

    статья, добавлен 20.07.2023

  • Turning to God through prayer. Analysis of the student's general academic and social learning. Providing a framework for genuine dialogue with others, not just teachers and schoolmates. Attitudes towards philosophy and practice of education today.

    статья, добавлен 05.03.2021

  • Features of the new movement in European philosophy. Consideration of exposure of logical positivism and the answer to the problem of the relation s between the logical and the empirical. Analysis and characterization of the Rassell-Whitehead system.

    статья, добавлен 09.09.2012

  • Williamson defends armchair philosophy by likening it to armchair science - they have the same of results and use such a priori methods as model building and analyses. If a priori methods are accepted within science, then they acceptable in philosophy.

    статья, добавлен 10.11.2021

  • How can the determinable be conceived of as itself determinate - the question of epistemology. Fichte’s inoculation of incomprehensibility in the system of transcendental philosophy - a noetic transcendence immanent in knowing that seemed consequent.

    статья, добавлен 04.03.2020

  • Discusses researching the nature and basic structure of acts of empathy. The research is based on the problems set by the phenomenological tradition and the developed analytical philosophy, which found their continuation in the philosophy of mind.

    статья, добавлен 04.12.2023

  • Analysis of the terms "legal action" and "non-legal action" for the purpose of their further conceptualization. Understanding the phenomenon of "conflict" between legal and non-legal action in terms of philosophical ontology and social philosophy.

    статья, добавлен 30.08.2022

  • The meaning of the term postmodern and its usage in philosophy and social theory. Unity and plurality. Poststructuralism and postmodernism. Universalism and freedom. Difference and multiplicity, simulacra and simulation. Criticism without foundations.

    статья, добавлен 10.08.2013

  • Researching the issue of common human values and needs. Differentiation of universal and personal goods. The importance of virtue ethics in modern life and practical philosophy. Study of the relationship between the concepts of axiology and agatology.

    статья, добавлен 07.04.2022

  • The continuity of the traditions of European philosophy, the creation of schools and the adaptation of views. Aristotle's realism, reinterpretation of the traditions of antiquity in the Christian spirit of St. Thomas of Aquinas. Rationalism of Descartes.

    статья, добавлен 11.01.2023

  • Dictionary for teachers, students and interested readers. Encyclopedic character of the book. Correct definitions and descriptions of the philosophical terms. Schools of ancient, medieval and modern philosophy. Works of ancient and contemporary thinkers.

    учебное пособие, добавлен 10.08.2013

  • A dichotomous picture of philosophy. Fallibility as a creative approach to balancing between dogmatism, which exaggerates the idea of absolute truth, and skepticism, which emphasizes the impossibility of achieving truth in an epistemological system.

    статья, добавлен 16.06.2024

  • Consider and analysis the scientific "Evolving matter" theory and philosophy of the cosmos as the modern "ideal model" of global sustainable development. A study of the focus of being, as well as its energy of meaningful presence in what is happening.

    статья, добавлен 27.04.2023

  • Analysis of the Russian-Ukrainian war from the point of view of existentialist philosophy as a philosophy of human crises. Destruction of individual and collective existence of Ukraine. Resistance of Ukrainians as resistance to this destruction.

    статья, добавлен 24.08.2023

  • A study of the prospects of teaching science to maintain social justice. The key works of Bukharin and Hessen at the Second International Congress on the History and Philosophy of Science in 1931 . Zilzel "On the social origin of modern science".

    статья, добавлен 25.01.2022

  • The historical study of early cinematic comedy. Investigates early cinema's exploration of sense and nonsense by utilizing the contributions to the philosophy of comedy and by examining significant poststructuralist interpretations of their work.

    книга, добавлен 10.08.2013

  • Clarification of the content of the concept of culture as an explication of vitality in the philosophy of life and its modifications in the problems of our time. The main categories of culture are: spirit, value, symbol, freedom, justice and harmony.

    статья, добавлен 21.07.2021

  • Viewing Derrida's work in the context of recent French epistemology and philosophy of science. Acquaintance with the rationalist approach exemplified by thinkers such as Bachelard and Canguilhem concerning interpretation of concept of destruction.

    статья, добавлен 10.08.2013

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