Royal London
About Royal London. Monarchs: Henry V, Queens Victoria, Elizabeth I, Elizabeth II, Royal Family. About Buckingham Palace, The Palace of Westminster, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, St. Paul Cathedral. The Changing of The Guard at Buckingham Palace.
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The problems of translating English-language fiction into Ukrainian based on Jack London's work "Martin Eden". Features of translators' use of lexical and grammatical transformations, their types: deletion, addition, replacement and transposition.
статья, добавлен 13.11.2023The climate of Britain. The flora of the British Isles is and the fauna. The population of London. Today English is the language of the world. Foreign languages as the main the most efficient means of information exchange of the people of our planet.
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реферат, добавлен 10.07.2014The London dialect and the flourishing of literature in the late XIV century. Changes in the alphabet and spelling. The formation of the spoken standard. Evolution of word-stress in Middle English. Historical grammar as changes in the verbal system.
контрольная работа, добавлен 26.10.2014Early life in Stratford. Early life in StratfordThe early poems, the sonnets, the early play, the histories, the Roman plays, the late plays. The contribution of textual criticism. The first reference to Shakespeare in the literary world of London.
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контрольная работа, добавлен 20.06.2011St. Pauls Cathedral as one of the greatest English churches, a beautiful building with many columns and towers. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren, building in the seventeenth century after the Great Fire. The largest bell in the world.
презентация, добавлен 21.02.2013The royal traditions in Britain. The Lord Mayor’s Show. A traditional feature of Christmas in Britain. Traditions of celebrating of new year. The English easter traditions. Celebrating Halloween. Saint Valentine’s Day in Britain. April Fool’s Day.
статья, добавлен 03.11.2011Краткий анализ глоссариев кэнта в серии книг Томаса Деккера. Лексикографический анализ кэнтизмов, основанный на данных "Словаря сленга и нетрадиционного английского языка" Э. Партриджа. Рассмотрение исторического перечня деклассированных элементов кэнта.
статья, добавлен 20.01.2019The phonetic, grammatic and lexical features which penetrated into the London dialect from the middle English northern and north-eastern dialects and eventually were fixed in the literary language. Synthetic language became predominantly analytical.
статья, добавлен 13.06.2022Henry Wadsworth Longfellow one of the most popular of modern poets. He first sought the road to public honors by pursuing the beaten path, time out of mind the highway. Many of his juvenile poems were originally published in the United Literary Gazette.
реферат, добавлен 02.05.2011Family is defined as the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children’. This definition reflects the image of the family in the animated series American Dad!, F is for Family, and Family Guy. The animated series.
статья, добавлен 10.10.2023The article aims at analysis of the baby’s idiolect in the animated series "Family Guy", featuring a typical American family. The study focuses on Stewie Griffin’s remarks, the baby in the family, and the way his speech violates age stereotypes.
статья, добавлен 17.10.2022Britain in the reign of Elizabeth. Description and basic features of development of Great Britain in the period of XVII-XX centuries. Artistic and cultural life in Great Britain. Universities and Colleges in Great Britain. The Modern British Economy.
реферат, добавлен 16.01.2011Дослідження вербальної репрезентації лінгвокультурного концепту "family" в англійській мові. Виявлення ключових слів-репрезентантів вказаного концепту та домінант відповідного синонімічного ряду. Етимологічний та компонентний аналіз лексеми family.
статья, добавлен 10.07.2020Практическое рассмотрение этимологии английского фразеологизма "Rob Peter to Pay Paul". Отражение во фразеологизмах многовековой истории любого языка и его носителей. Представления, связанные с трудовой деятельностью, бытом, религией и культурой людей.
статья, добавлен 07.01.2019Description of the attractions one of the biggest cities in Europe. Popular Kiev places Visited by Tourists: Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, National Opera House, monument to Prince Volodymyr the Baptizer, Golden Gate, St. Sophia Cathedral and Andriyivsky Uzviz.
сочинение, добавлен 13.05.2012Реализация концепта "family" - одного из доминантных и смыслообразующих концептов в тексте романа Д. Брауна "Код да Винчи". Репрезентация концепта во внутренней речи героев романа. Каузативная роль концепта "family", его функция мотивации персонажей.
статья, добавлен 11.12.2018The embodiment of the idea of the Kazakh people with the help of Baiterek monument. Characteristics of the main structure of the tower. Construction of an entertainment center Khan Shatyr. Astana location analysis in the central part of Kazakhstan.
презентация, добавлен 09.11.2015Astana and Almaty as the biggest cities of Kazakhstan. Astana as the second coldest capital in the world, the average annual temperature. Bayterek as the most famous landmark in Astana. The legend behind this tower. Astana International Airport.
доклад, добавлен 21.02.2013A language family as a group of related languages that developed from a common historic ancestor. Familiarity with the language, which can not be reliably classified into any family. General characteristics of the major language families of the world.
реферат, добавлен 16.05.2015Analysis of the linguial characteristics of parental communication on the basis of English-language family film texts. Specifics of the lingual realization of roles of family members, parents, children, represented in modern American family film texts.
статья, добавлен 10.11.2022Використання корпусного аналізу для визначення частотності вживання слів і словосполучень, за допомогою яких вербалізується концепт. Аналіз частотності лексичної одиниці, яка репрезентує концепт family, представлений у текстах сучасної англійської мови.
статья, добавлен 06.11.2018The studying of metaphors in the UK parliamentary debates. The usage of basic metaphorical representation ofpolitics as family relations and hunting. The order of the parliamentary debates. Role of the politicians in the processes of the political life.
статья, добавлен 05.12.2020