Media topics in descriptors of international press telecommunications council

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the media topics. Distribution of information, develop and promote efficient technical standards to improve the management and exchange of information between content providers, intermediaries and consumers.

Подобные документы

  • The analysis of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in the British press. The links of transnational companies to Azerbaijan's national security are the subjects in the news. The role mass media in shaping people’s opinions on conflicts.

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  • Analysis of the media bird conservation cases: Recovery of California Condor population, Bird collisions with buildings, Plastic pollution in oceans affecting seabirds, Illegal bird trade in Southeast Asia, and the conservation of Spoon-billed Sandpiper.

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  • Assessment of the scale of the formation of new paradigms of speech behavior of journalists and the frame of feedback from readers. A study of the functioning in the network space of media texts with provocative content that form the social underground.

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  • Сonstructing identities, problem of media representations or consolidation of the stereotypes and clichеs. Presented analysis is focused on Russia’s image emerging from news in Polish press published from 1991 to 2005. Іnvestigating the meaning of texts.

    статья, добавлен 30.01.2016

  • The political media memes’ functioning, their effects and persuasion. The actual persuasion of media memesin contemporary Russian society. Several examples verbal, aiidial, visual, hybrid and audiovisual media memes. Some political media memescan.

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  • The media impact on the audience can vary in strength and effect, cases it is very relative. The likely effects of media influence on the opinions, preferences of the audience. Factors influencing different people's perception of the same media message.

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  • Peculiarities of lexical shortenings in the English language. Analysis of abbreviated formations in the Ukrainian media texts. Lexical shortenings and their functions. Comparative lexico-semantic analysis of English and Ukrainian reduction in the press.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 05.06.2015

  • Comprehension of military discourse in the context of the Ukrainian war. Mediatization of modern oral history of Ukraine. Analysis of the online Internet platforms. Involvement of the media in the collection and distribution of interviews of eyewitnesses.

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  • The use of the content analysis method in the process of investigation of high quality British and Ukrainian newspapers has revealed the most common stereotypes of public relations as an area. Study of concept of media reception of professional activity.

    статья, добавлен 02.01.2022

  • Reasons for the spread of propagandistic and biased information in the media. Featured in The New York Times, The Guardian and Reuters. Survey of the audience regarding the experience of using news telegram channels, their advantages and disadvantages.

    статья, добавлен 12.05.2024

  • The article provides the in-depth analysis of the concept of power in American media. The article also defines the concept of "media discourse", accentuating the central feature - the combination of the interaction of neutrality and expressiveness.

    статья, добавлен 08.06.2024

  • The importance of radio as a means of disseminating information. Negative aspects of television as a means of "zombifying" people. The growing importance of the Internet, the involvement of young people in the world wide web. The main types of websites.

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  • Influence of social media on political processes in Ukraine, in particular on the events of 2013-2014, called the Revolution of Dignity. Advantages and threats of such access to alternatives in comparison with classical audiovisual and printed media.

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  • Analysis of the reasons for the popularization of social media and news digital platforms. Review of Ukrainian convergent newspapers. Comparative characteristics of Telegram and TikTok. Using the Telegram channel to inform the population of Ukraine.

    статья, добавлен 31.01.2024

  • "I-Медиа" как феномен постнеклассической парадигмы развития теоретического знания о цифровых средствах коммуникации, как независимые медиа (independent media), Я-медиа (I-media), интегрированные медиа (integrated media), интернет-медиа (Internet-media).

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  • The specifics of the coverage of European integration processes in Ukraine by "The New York Times". The presentation of the communicative field of the country by world media channels. The information-analytical support of European integration processes.

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  • Investigation of the transformation of the concept of the presidency in Ukraine. Analysis of the process of transition from personalistic to institutional principles. Actualization of the connection President - a former comedian in the media discourse.

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  • Showing the limitations in the construction of foreign events in journalistic work - the purpose of detecting and describing media frames. The mass media - one of the tools that plays an important role in the process of social construction of reality.

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  • Formation of public opinion on countering the threats of coronavirus in the media spaces of China and Russia, identifying the reasons for the differences. Methods and tools for conducting an anti-pandemic campaign, mobilizing people for vaccination.

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  • Determination of the role in the information support of amateur Internet journalism. Motives for addressing Internet users to amateur journalism. Self-designation, self-presentation and self-presentation in the process of creating a media product.

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  • Characteristics of the article in German online media. Identification of frames, as well as their sources. Differences in the frequency of frames between countries, a study of the differences between the frequency of frames used by German media.

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  • The procedure for conducting a review of current research on Russia's public sphere. The conceptualization of the concept of a democratic discourse to define variables and indicators and description of the data. Evaluation of the discourse of the media.

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  • The paper reflects the current trends in museum management. It presents methodological procedures and marketing philosophy as well as specific cases of establishing new museums for the purpose ofpreserving cultural heritage in Slovakia and Europe.

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  • Специфика технологии трансмедиа сторителлинг и ее инструментов. Технологии media mix и трансмедиа сторителлинг в историческом контексте. Особенности развития и применения media mix. Фильмы, видеоигры и другие медиа как средства расширения нарратива.

    дипломная работа, добавлен 11.08.2020

  • Study of the cross-media system which is built around Japanese economic newspaper Nikkei. Consideration of the phenomenon of cross-media, the preconditions of its establishment in Japan, and its functioning with complete Nikkei cross-media platform.

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