Professional culture of musical art masters

Characteristics of pedagogical, musical and cultural components of professional education in Ukraine. Activation of creative abilities of masters of art specialties. Improving the effectiveness of the training process for highly qualified music teachers.

Подобные документы

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  • Analysis of the problems of using music to improve physical health by the example of vibroacoustic massage "singing bowls". Features of the influence of musical features associated with rhythm and timbre on the characteristics of musical movement.

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  • A study of the English rock band The Beatles formed in Liverpool in 1960. Music as an art form, expressing emotions through harmonic frequencies. Outstanding composers of the 20th century. Basic categories for describing the musical elements of music.

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  • Characteristics of the cultural heritage and phenomenon of the so-called Beatlomania. Detailed division of "love styles". The principal ways of reflecting the Beatles' personal experience and professional evolution through the nature of their music.

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  • Methods of research of Slavic musical and instrumental culture of the European Middle Ages. Study of archaeological artifacts found on the historical lands of the Galicia-Volyn state. Development of a catalog of medieval musical instruments of Kievan Rus.

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  • Research of historical information about the evolution of musical folklore of Ukraine. Analysis of the transformation of genre dominants. The appearance of hymns and vivats with instrumental accompaniment. Study of the gender composition of performers.

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  • Determination of the features of the poetics of Ukrainian musical folklore as a source of folk perception of history and life, necessary for transmission to descendants. Informativeness of verbal texts, the emotionality of which is enhanced by music.

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  • The concept and specific properties of the choral art form as a musical performing art, the multimodal nature of the perception of a musical text. Analysis of communication practice in terms of auditory, linguistic, spatial and visual resources.

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  • The article identifies the main principles of functioning of the movement, plastic, kinesics, spatiality, visualization categories in the musical art. The rhythm and intonation manifestations in the performance and perception of music are analyzed.

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  • Features compilation of musical compositions, their execution in the United Kingdom inherited the European classical traditions of the eighteenth century. The analysis of the most widespread revivalist interpretation of traditional English folk music.

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  • The history of music in XIX-th century in a form other than that of monographs about the leading composers, interspersed with outlines of cultural history which find room for the "minor masters". The composers of the works which constitute the "canon".

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  • Study of mechanical-acoustic features and properties of the piano in a holistic relationship with the organization of the musical form and artistic means of performance formed in the process of musical practice. The specifics of piano intonation.

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  • Main directions of the study of the mechanical and acoustic features and properties of the piano in an integral relationship with the organization of the musical form and artistic means of performance, formed in the process of musical practice.

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  • A speech-musical work is considered as a multimodal text created by the synthesis of speech and music, which are integrated and processed by the consciousness in a single universal-subject code of thinking. Realization of the aesthetic function.

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  • The peculiarities aspects of hermeneutic reception of the Ukrainian musical work - on a proper philosophical and cultural basis. The problem is that under the guise ofcultural legacy, they were overburdened not only with "losses" of the cultural memory.

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  • The use of bandura in M. Denysenko's compositional ideas. The level of technical mastery and artistic perfection that corresponds to the trends in modern music. Stylistic features of the composer's creative method, folklore themes in musical language.

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  • The ideological, thematic, descriptive, intonation-rhythmic consonance of the musical accompaniment of the band "DakhaBrakha" with the film and film story by O. Dovzhenko. Role of musical accompaniment in the restored 2012 version of the film "Earth".

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  • B. Smetana's opera concept "Libuse" - a musical work that focuses on indicators of national glorification, which act as a principle of expression for postmodern cultural existence. The main specific features of the liturgical framework of this opera.

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  • The purpose of the article is to study the mechanical-acoustic features and properties of the piano in a holistic relationship with the organization of musical space and artistic means of performance, which were formed in the process of musical practice.

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  • Time as musical problem. Dynamization and negation time by painting, Raumkunst. Syncretism, the vague notion of an undialectical continuum of arts in general. The pseudomorphosis toward painting, one of the key categories for Stravinsky. Language of art.

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  • Disclosure of the genre diversity of musical works that interpret the poetic heritage of Ukrainian classics. Auditory analysis of musical works, observation of stage productions of artistic numbers. A combination of musicological and literary methods.

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  • Analytical review of the wide variety of styles used by Ukrainian composers during the modernist period. An overview of the unique characteristics of musical modernism in Ukraine. A system of criteria by which composers of this period can be compared.

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