Interpretation and translation in professional activities

Translation is important part of today world. Transposition or so called translation is one of the ways to make Ukraine more visible for representatives of other countries and to present it on the international scene as one of the most knowledgeable.

Подобные документы

  • The key vectors of the literary and translation activities of the famous Ukrainian translator V. Mytrofanov, the aspects of his reviewing skills and the motives for choosing literary works for translation. The facets of Mytrofanov’s translation practice.

    статья, добавлен 28.05.2023

  • Ways of interpreting the image of Ukraine in English translations of Ukrainian poetry. The concept of artistic translation as a linguistic problem. The connection between the artistic image and the linguistic category on the basis of which it is formed.

    статья, добавлен 02.01.2023

  • Analysis of the role of extralinguistic context in the translation process. Features of translation activity as an interaction of linguistic and extralinguistic factors that make it possible to identify the content of the message in different languages.

    статья, добавлен 18.05.2022

  • The nature, objectives and content professional foreign language training in the framework of the competence approach. The concept of "translation" as the goals and means of foreign language teaching of students of higher educational institutions.

    статья, добавлен 19.02.2016

  • Providing access to works in the field of translation studies. Usability Comparison of Translation and Interpretation by J. Benjamins. Analysis of BITRA and JBTSB interfaces. Application of the scientometric approach to compiling bibliographic databases.

    статья, добавлен 06.12.2021

  • The concept of translation, its object, objectives and theory. The structure of translation and types of linguistic equivalence of it. Aspects and pragmatics of translating process and the role of the translator. Main types and techniques of translation.

    реферат, добавлен 14.06.2011

  • Evaluation of translation quality has always been a topical issue for both theorists and practitioners of translation. The objective of the article is to analyze the problems of quality of a translation in the diachrony of intercultural communication.

    статья, добавлен 29.09.2023

  • Сomputer slang and various types of metaphors play an important role in human communication. The analysis informal English in terms of information technologies. The algorithm of correct interpretation and translation of slangisms as one-word metaphors.

    статья, добавлен 25.08.2021

  • Acquaintance with the peculiarities and problems of translation of international words. Uzbekistan as a full-fledged participant in the world process of globalization and integration. Consideration of the methodology for translating international words.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 26.06.2021

  • Analysis of the features of the translation of Ukrainian realities into English and the means of their transmission in B. Melnyk's English translation of I. Franko's poem-tale "Mykyta's Fox". Methods of translation of realities are elaborated in the work.

    статья, добавлен 04.03.2023

  • The problem of revealing the axiological aspect of the language representation of the image of Ukraine in the English mass media and ways of its rendering in Ukrainian translation. The research of translation transformations when rendering verbal means.

    статья, добавлен 04.09.2023

  • Devoted to the problem of the translation of works Ukrainian poets and writers into English. The situation is analyzed of book typography Ukrainian in Europe and abroad. The role was noted in the dissemination of high quality translation literature.

    статья, добавлен 21.10.2022

  • Understanding the importance of freedom in translation work to achieve a high degree of translation accuracy. Determination of the reliability of translation of poetry and titles of literary works. Realization of the creative potential of the translator.

    статья, добавлен 16.11.2020

  • Finding ways to improve the quality of translation services in Ukraine. Increasing the volume of audiovisual production, the problems of its presentation into various languages. Identifying the trends to voicing the content of the series "Doctor Who".

    статья, добавлен 03.03.2023

  • Problems of translation and interpretation, which provides the linguistic basis for the global market for gaming websites. Translation and localization of content in English. Solving potential problems with translation of terminology and localization.

    статья, добавлен 17.12.2020

  • The main strategies of simultaneous interpretation for post-translation analyze. Strategy of trial and error, expectation strategy, stalling. Methods of translating, adequate translation considering speakers cultural background, personal peculiarities.

    презентация, добавлен 22.04.2016

  • Deals with adequate ways of translation explicitly and implicitly expressed directives in English official discourse on the material of executive orders of United States presidents. Study to question of equivalent translation of directive speech acts.

    статья, добавлен 26.08.2021

  • Translation of Chinese-language diplomatic discourse. Lexical and grammatical translation transformations of the translation of international agreements from Chinese into Ukrainian. The specificity of reproduction of the linguistic and cultural aspect.

    статья, добавлен 17.11.2023

  • Translation - an activity that requires a deep mastering of languages, a good knowledge of source and target cultures. Adaptation, modulation, loan, calque, foreignization, domestication - the main techniques which are using in the translation types.

    статья, добавлен 18.10.2021

  • Translation of English computer texts by means of the Ukrainian language. Analysis of grammatical translation transformations. Analysis of such transformations as substitution, transposition, ellipsis and addition. Features of the grammatical structure.

    статья, добавлен 06.04.2019

  • The use of electronic translation resources in translation. General characteristics of the English definite and indefinite articles. Translation and differences in a language concept. Translation equivalents of the definite article in specific reference.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 13.02.2015

  • The first scientific explorations of translation studies, devoted to the analysis of religious and artistic texts. The influence of culture on translation and the influence of translation, approaches: transcreation, transadaptation and transculturation.

    статья, добавлен 31.03.2023

  • The purpose of the article is to propose and justify the definition of "translation consciousness" of the interpreter. the particularities of using the strategies for the implementation of translation activities. The concepts "speech mediation".

    статья, добавлен 15.07.2021

  • Study of ways of expression in translation by comparing the values of existing lexical units in the target and source languages. The characteristics of the translation are also based on the study of substitution of new, more appropriate lexical units.

    статья, добавлен 12.01.2023

  • Types of translation: Classification, Syntactic changes, Machine translation, Translation and interpreting. Communicative structure of the English and Russian sentence. Sentence partitioning and integration. Handling equivalent forms and structures.

    курсовая работа, добавлен 21.04.2015

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