Algorithm of symbolic-numeric integration of the linear differential equation of four degree in the form of power series
The algorithm and program in MAPLE for the solution ordinary differential equations of IV order in the form of generalized power series. Some examples of the solution differential equations IV order. The singular regular points of differential equation.
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контрольная работа, добавлен 13.01.2013A novel family of data-driven linear transformations, aimed at finding low dimensional embeddings of multivariate data, in a way that optimally preserves the structure of the data. The PCA and Fisher’s LDA are the special members in this transformation.
статья, добавлен 08.02.2013Общая информация о текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word. Форматирование документа, формирование списков, таблиц и размещение графики. Редактор формул Equation Editor. Стили и оглавление, применение перекрестных ссылок, макросов и гиперссылок в документах.
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контрольная работа, добавлен 08.01.2017 The Reynolds number formula in the upstream pipe. A computation methodic of the expansion flow with the convergence threshold for all equations. Velocity vector visualization. The function that calculates the shear stress in cylindrical coordinates.
лабораторная работа, добавлен 10.05.2022Finding Small Solutions to Univariate and Bivariate Polynomial Congruences. The RSA Public Key Cryptosystem. Coppersmith Attack on Short Random Pads. Cryptanalysis via the Defining Equation. The Lattice Factoring Method. Improved Determinant Bounds.
диссертация, добавлен 08.03.2014