Problems and trends of the development of modern science

The trends that are monitored as a priority direction of research,and features of the development of science from the point of view of the formation of the view of scientific personnel. Problems that are relevant for scientists outside of Ukraine.

Подобные документы

  • Analysis of the world-system theory from the point of view of its applicability to the Russian-Ukrainian war. Review of modern geopolitical conflicts from the perspective of Wallerstein's hypothesis. Forecasting the formation of a new world order.

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  • Philosophy as a reflection of the objects, which exact knowledge is still hidden from us. Process of development of the questions about knowledge and how they constantly move from the field of philosophy to the area of science. Philosophical education.

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  • Interaction of ideological values with methodological means of historical knowledge. The role of philosophy as the core of the theory of worldview. The value of philosophical ideas for the formation of the categorical apparatus of historical science.

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  • Development of ideas about the meaning of the dialogue between theology and science within the framework of phenomenological philosophy and its theological expansion undertaken by the author. Activity of consciousness without achieving a material goal.

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  • An analysis of the peculiarities of the continuous development of new technologies that make it possible to draw the faces of reality. Human Umwelt as the union of the first nature, which has a physical character. The essence of the concept of "reality".

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  • The two scholastic alternatives concerning freedom and providence. Leibniz's view of the scholastic positions. The criteria for an adequate view. Leibniz's two accounts and view of freedom. The Doctrine of moral necessity. Difficulties in the account.

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  • The definition of science as a public good is a factor that exacerbates the dangers associated with the increasing democratization of the knowledge system. The main features of Raphael Sassover's transcendent approach to knowledge as a public good.

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  • Analysis of specifics and criteria of elitism. Study of problems in determining the role of the scientific elite in the processes of origin, formation and establishment of the principles of electronic governance in the philosophical and legal dimension.

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  • Return to the integration of sociological, normative approaches to science. Rejection of the political component of Marxism. Scrupulous discussions between Lakatos and Feyerabend. A model of combining the history of science and its normative evaluation.

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  • Analysis of the modern state of morality in legal society. The transformation of the content of morality is a special state in the dynamic process of social development and progresses at the crossroads of political and socio-economic transformations.

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  • The problem of the influence of ancient philosophy of modern sciences through the prism of the doctrines of Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, Stagirite, Heraclides and Parmenides. Improving the soul through education and upbringing. Search for personal good.

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  • Study of the structure, levels and typology of modern knowledge. Development of a system of unified scientific terms in the method of reductionism. Creation of the explanatory unity of the knowledge model. Modern interpretation of scientific integration.

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  • Familiarization with the humanistic view of nature and mutual analysis of social development as one of the important ecological bases for solving the modern ecological crisis. Studying the importance of preserving and increasing natural resources.

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  • The problem of information sovereignty of the state in modern scientific research as a component of ensuring the country's national security and a system-forming factor of state formation. The structure of the spiritual sovereignty of the state.

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  • The development thesis of Karl Marx`s Theory of History. Joshua Cohen`s impressive critical notice of KMTH. The Rational Adaptive Practices view of the development of the forces. Child autonomous tendency to grow up. Problem of class-specific rationality.

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  • Classified arrangement in the late Middle Ages, at the beginning of modern times. Systematic cataloguing in the 18th century. Remarks to the Regensburger Verbund klassifikation. Three principal elements of the classmark: location number, classification.

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  • The importance of research which, at the time of Pliny, had preserved and updated Greek science, as described in Books II-VI. Problem of Seneca’s sources in the Naturales Quaestiones. Posidonius’ influence in the passages devoted to scientific geography.

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  • Williamson defends armchair philosophy by likening it to armchair science - they have the same of results and use such a priori methods as model building and analyses. If a priori methods are accepted within science, then they acceptable in philosophy.

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  • Analysis of noogenesis from the point of view of philosophical traditions, which are much richer than the history of scientific knowledge about the psychology of meanings. The essence of being Dasein psyche in the meaning of "the soul of a philosopher."

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  • The conflict between nature and society as an ecological crisis. Humanity as a factor in the change of the biosphere in the 20th. Humanistic view of nature, analysis of social development. Ecological foundations of solving the modern ecological crisis.

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  • The most significant concepts in the philosophy of language. A feature of philosophical knowledge of the XX century. Hard determination of scientific apparatus of modern science. Exploring the theory and practice of interpretation by hermeneutics.

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  • Modal power and the art of realizing the possible. Complementarity of political philosophy and philosophy of science. the Politics and science of the facts-fiction distinguishing. The quantum nature of modal power, the prolegomena of its historiography.

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  • The research is one of the topical problems of the hesychast polemic that took place in Byzantium of XIV century, namely the development and comprehension of the orthodox theory of the knowledge of god in the concept of its chief representative Palamas.

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  • The impact of war on social development and scientific and technological progress in a philosophical context. The relationship between military conflicts, the dynamics of society, scientific achievements, innovations and their integration into new areas.

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  • Comparative-historical analysis of Confucius' views on the phenomenon of communication in administrative processes. Modern understanding of the term and definition of elements that significantly influenced the development of the science of statehood.

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