This fragile planet
The most serious environmental problems. Water pollution, poison and kill fish and sea animals. The pollution of the air which is come from cars and buses in big cities, factories and plants work. What everyone person must to do to save our planet.
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сочинение, добавлен 10.06.2014- 9. Australia
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статья, добавлен 07.11.2022The study of the nature and basic properties of the environmental management system from the standpoint of a synergistic approach. The essence of the institutional support of environmental management systems and the main approaches to its formation.
статья, добавлен 08.01.2019Answers to tickets in the form of thematic texts on English language courses. Describes the themes of education, tourism, the future of vocational guidance, tastes and problems of young people, environmental problems, especially language learning.
шпаргалка, добавлен 23.02.2011Manifestation of inflammation of the bronchial mucosa. The emergence of acute bronchitis during a cold or flu. Characteristics of the main symptoms of the disease. Analysis of the effects of pollution and tobacco smoke on chronic lung irritation.
презентация, добавлен 05.11.2016Способи вербалізації гіперконцепту "Person" на основі матеріалів малоформатних інфантичних текстів для дітей дошкільного віку. Розробка структурно-ієрархічної системи гіперконцепту "Person". Особливості гіпоконцептів у вираженні мовного аранжування.
статья, добавлен 13.08.2016