The english language in the worldwide scope

The use of English has a significant impact on global culture and international relations. Espite its importance, the dominance of the English languages also raises questions about the preservation of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

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  • The Formation of the National Language. Middle English is the stage in the history of the English language. The reasons of shortage of the written standard. Grouping of local dialects. The most important event in the changing linguistic situation.

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  • Analysis of the use of semantic compression in English-language shows. The sign structure of language. The concept of linguistic compression, features of its use. The importance of complete transfer of information while preserving the expressive color.

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  • Features of the language training of international lawyers within the framework of the scientific school of linguistic jurisprudence of the international legal faculty of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. Legal concepts in English.

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  • Analysis of the communication skills of the preparation process for educational activities. The main reason for the intensification of processes around the study of foreign languages. The need for specialists with knowledge of the English language.

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