The english language in the worldwide scope

The use of English has a significant impact on global culture and international relations. Espite its importance, the dominance of the English languages also raises questions about the preservation of linguistic diversity and cultural heritage.

Подобные документы

  • The main problems of the use and development of English in European countries, except for those countries in which English is the official language. Characteristic of the changes that appeared in the process of using Euro-English as a lingua franca.

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  • The nature of English idioms and the generated language. The metaphorical nature of a large idiomatic language. The central importance of metaphorical verbose units in the use of language. Proof of the connection of idioms with the mentality of people.

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  • Phraseology how a new linguistics science. A degree for motivation of the phrases. The basic principles by academician Vinogradov in the Russian language, which may be also taken in English language. The studies set expressions and stock phrases.

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  • Peculiarities of lexical controversy of terminological units of the terminological system of international languages ​​in English, German and Ukrainian languages. Steps of proximity of the terms of international languages ​​in the

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  • The importance of extralinguistic factors to maintain the prestige of political parties. Development of programs of education English language, the reasons for increasing its role in globalization conditions. Ensuring the interests of local communities.

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  • Improving the quality of Foreign Language teaching in higher educational institutions of Ukraine. The use of international modern teaching methods to ensure the productivity of the professional course of English at the University of Trade and Economics.

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  • Research of sociological and cultural aspects of the English-speaking environment as a factor of text organization in the field of jurisprudence. Ways to translate cultural and social phenomena in Ukrainian translations of English legal literature.

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  • Events that shaped the history of English. Сharacteristic of the vocabulary of Old English. History of Middle English (1100-1500 years). Features of Modern English: Early Modern (1500-1800 years) and Late Modern (1800-present). English language in Canada.

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  • The article delves into the linguistic characterization of nine female characters that represent the Overcontrolling Mother archetype in English-language mass culture films. The research draws on C. Jung’s idea of an archetype as a recurring image.

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  • A set of classes in English is presented. Tasks and control questions for testing students' knowledge. A set of exercises on vocabulary and grammar, translation of words on the topic of study. Times in English and the rules for their application.

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  • Analysis of semantic and pragmatic features of directive verbs in the social sphere of communication of the Early Modern English period of the English language. Knowledge of their semantics and pragmatics makes it possible to communicate adequately.

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  • The word formation linguistic disciplines and subject of it research. The concept of derivation and its main issues. General characteristics of word formation. The morphemic structure of English Language. Compound words in Modern English Language.

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  • The role of the English language in the spiritual and cultural life of the people. Analysis of the concept of convention by D. Lewis. Verbal means of expressing human feelings and thoughts. Speech methods of development of ethical norms and behavior.

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  • The basic problem of the linguistic study of English clothes inscriptions. The subject of study is the specificity of parts of speech realization in dialects. The purpose is linguistic analysis of English-language clothing inscriptions semantic load.

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  • The definition of an idiom. The structure of idioms. Classification of phraseological idioms. Linguistic peculiarities of British English and American English languages. Stylistic and idiomatic peculiarities. The scheme of analysis of idiom in songs.

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  • English language in England: dialects, regional, glottal stop. Pronunciation Varieties of British English. The Northern Regional and the Scottish Type of English Pronunciation. Peculiarities of American and British English and their differences.

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  • The verb in the English language. Three moods in the Russian and English languages. The Indicative, Subjunctive, Imperative Mood as a grammatical form of the verb. Grammatical Mood in English. The main cases of the use of the Subjunctive Mood in English.

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  • Study of linguistic and cultural aspects of English-language ergonyms in Canada from the point of view of stylistics, semantics, and linguistic and cultural studies. Consideration of ergonomics as markers of social, cultural space in the country.

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  • The theoretical foundation of studying the linguistic image of flora in modern English discourse. The space of text. The standards of textuality. Historical novel as literary genre. Verbal representation of the surrounding world by a blinded person.

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  • The nature of the phoneme from the perspective of the three dimensions. Features and functions of English phonemes. Characteristics of the English vowels and consonants. The differences in the articulation of English, Russian and Kazakh languages.

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  • The need to possess integrated communication skills that ensure professional and business interaction between people of different countries. Carrying out a comprehensive analysis of the periods of formation of perfect forms in the English language.

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  • The main condition of this research presupposes to comparing the grammatical structures of languages of two different systems of English and Azerbaijani. The important goals of the investigation was to detect and find out the potential use of the verb.

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  • Research of changes in the gender parameter in modern linguistics. Methods of constructing the image of a man and a woman in Russian and English proverbs and sayings. Compilation of a historical and etymological classification of phraseological units.

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  • The overview of the history of the development of English language. The historical survey above shows the ways in which English vocabulary developed and of the major events through which it acquired its vast modern resources (elements of borrowings).

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  • A West Germanic language that originated from the Anglo-Frisian dialects brought to Britain by Germanic invaders. Information for the culture of the Germanic peoples. The history of influence of foreign elements to the English language. Foreign words.

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